Off Grid Solar System - Solar System for Home
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As the demand and prices of electricity keep rising, the world looks at renewable energy sources for its power needs. In recent years, solar energy has become a popular renewable energy source because of its falling costs and improving efficiencies.
A solar system is a setup that generates electricity by utilizing the solar energy system. A typical solar system consists of solar panels (which absorb sunlight), an inverter (which converts DC into AC), mounting structure (that hold the panels in place), batteries (to store the extra power generated), a grid box and balance of systems (wires, nuts etc.). A solar system comes in various sizes like 1 kWh, 2 kWh 3kW, 5kW, 7.5 kW, and 10kW.
What is Off-Grid Solar System (with Battery)?
A solar system with battery storage and a backup is called an off-grid solar system that generates electricity after a power cut or during the night hours. It has four major components, solar panels, inverter, battery and balancing of system. This solar system is more popular and comes with a power backup and it works independently of the grid.
They are solar PV system which are not connected to the national grid.
- Completely independent from the grid
- Also called Stand-Alone PV systems
Energy can be Consumed at same time of production or stored in batteries.
How does an off-grid solar system work?
An off-grid solar system has four main components, a solar panel, solar inverter, battery, and balancing of the system. Solar panels generate DC Current in sunlight and store it in batteries. If you want to run DC applications (12V), such as Fans and lights, you need a charge controller. Whereas, if you want to run AC appliances (220V), you need an inverter that converts DC Voltage to AC Voltage. Nowadays, all inverters work automatically, that is the electricity generated by the solar system charges batteries and runs appliances directly. Also, batteries run appliances directly in case of power failure.
The 3-Blocks in every Off-Grid System:
- Production Block: Solar PV Modules
- Storage Block: Charge Controller & Battery Bank
- Usage Block: Solar Inverter & Switchboard
Off-Grid Overview/Components
How can I calculate off-grid solar system?
Most home appliances such as Fans, TVs, coolers, ACs, Water pumps, etc. can work through this system. For instance, a 1 kW off-grid solar system is sufficient for a 2-4 BHK house. But if you also want to run 1HP Water Pump in your home you could use a 3 kW off-grid solar system. If you are planning to run an AC then you should use a 5 kW solar system. For commercial setups like a shop, clinic, small mill, or petrol pump a 10 kW off-grid solar system should be used.
It is the most common type of solar power system with backup. It works in both day and night. During the day, the solar panel charges the battery and runs the home appliances such as Air Conditioners, coolers, Television and submersible pumps. At night, when the sun is not available, Inverter runs your home appliances using the battery power.
Advantages & Disadvantages
Off-Grid Systems – Be Your Judge of this Technology.
The Top Advantages:
- Totally independent from the power grid
- Installed anywhere where energy is needed
- Many applanations
- Big savings in Power-Bills
- High costs associated with energy Storage! Batteries represent 70% of the total cost.
- Low efficiencies (14%-19%) of PV Modules.
- Short Battery Lifespan, these need to be replaced at least 4-6 times in the lifetime of the PV system.
What is the difference between on-grid and off-grid solar systems?
The main differences between a grid-connected solar system (on-grid) and a stand-alone solar system (off-grid) are:
- An Off-Grid solar system will work even after a power cut, whereas an On-Grid won't work.
- An off-grid solar system is more expensive than a grid-connected solar system.
What are the latest technology trends in solar inverters?
Difference | PWM |
1. Full Form | Pulse With Modulation | Maximum Power Point Tracking |
2. Efficiency | Up to 75% | Up to 95% |
3. Load | It only charges the Battery | It charges the battery & runs a home load during the daytime |
4. Cost | Less Price | Double Price of PWM |
5. Availability | For Single & Double Battery | More than 2 Batteries |
There are two types of solar inverters, 1) PWM Based – relatively low efficiency, and 2) MPPT Based – high efficiency
PWM Based – It stands for a pulse with modulation, these inverters are low on efficiency but prices are very low. For smaller needs, PWM-based inverters are recommended for smaller use such as running 3-4 fans, 8-10 lights, 1-2 Television, and 1 Refrigerator day and night.
MPPT Based – It stands for Maximum power point tracking. If your purpose of investment in solar is to save electricity bills, then it is strongly recommended to opt for MPPT-based inverters.
How much would an off-grid solar system cost?
An off-grid solar system comes in various capacities for different types of applications, such as Small Homes, 2-3 Floor Homes, Shops, Offices, Schools, Warehouses, and more. The minimum range of an off-grid solar system is 500W, the average range is 1kW, and the maximum range can vary from 3kW, 5kW, and 7.5kW to 10kW. Simply, you can understand, that the cost of a 1kW off-grid Solar System with Single Battery (12V) is approx. Rs. 80,000 and the cost of 1kW Off-Grid Solar with Double Battery (24V) is approx. Rs. 1,00,000. The cost of any solar system depends on aspects like technology, brand, service and warranty.
Capacity | MRP (Inclusive of All Taxes) | Consumer's Price (Inclusive of All Taxes) |
0.5 kW | ₹85,000 | ₹65,000 |
1kW | ₹150,000 | ₹96,000 |
3kW | ₹350,000 | ₹285,000 |
5kWh | ₹680,000 | ₹485,000 |
7.5kW | ₹1,150,000 | ₹665,000 |
10kW | ₹1,30,0000 | ₹950,000 |
How can I install an off-grid solar system?
Rooftop Solar systems are generally installed on a home's roof, wall, tin shade, garden, door, etc. There are a few checks to be done before the installation of the solar panel stand, such as longitude and latitude angle, sun direction, wind pressure, wiring connection, area optimization, etc. To give the best installation according to customer needs, an engineer visit must be done.
Loom Solar is a trusted solar panel manufacturer in India when it comes to the installation of a solar system. The company has successfully installed solar systems all across India in states like West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, etc. Loom Solar has the experience of installing 1 kW, 5 kW and 10 kW solar systems. Most of the installations have been done at residences, factories, transportation, hospitals, schools, offices, petrol pumps, etc.
What appliances will be running on an off-grid solar-powered system?
In an off-grid solar-powered system, how much power you can run depends upon the power of the Inverter and its efficiency, generally all inverter comes with 80% efficiency, so, if you buy a 3 kw Inverter system then up to 2,400 watts of peak power you can run at given point of time. A 1.5-ton inverter air-conditioner and 0.5 HP submersible can be run on a 3kW Solar System successfully.
- Agricultural: Used to power big energy users. Water Pumps for irrigation
- Industrial: Hospitals, Ocean Platforms, Factories
- Habitational: To power family houses with no access to regular electricity. To power residences that want to unplug from power lines.
- Power consumers: Boats, Campervans, Bicycles, Mobile Devices
How much does it cost to install a solar energy system?
The initial cost of installing a solar system is Rs. 25,000, if you have already a single inverter battery and Rs. 50,000 if you have already a double inverter battery. A 1 kWh solar system with a Battery will cost you around INR 105,000 if you buy it from Loom Solar. It can easily power a 3-4 BHK home and run smoothly for 8-10 hours.
A 3 kW off-grid solar system will cost you INR 2,85,000 if you buy from Loom Solar. It is used to power larger homes, shops and offices and can run smoothly for 8-10 hours. It is a powerful solar system and can easily support the running of fans, lights, televisions, refrigerators etc. but not a 2-ton AC. Available at INR 4,85,000,
5 kW solar system is used for running even larger homes, offices and commercial shops. 10 kW off-grid solar system can be easily used in offices, commercial shops and factories and comes with a price tag of INR 9,50,000. This system is capable of generating 50 units every day.
Solar System with Battery Customer Review
We have installed solar panels in more than 50,000 Homes across India, and we have taken solar panel system performance reviews from different homeowners. So, you can decide with full confidence.
Solar System – Wholesale Suppliers Online
Headquartered in Delhi NCR, Loom Solar is India's leading solar brand store. The company sells solar systems such as solar panels, solar inverters, and solar batteries for top brands with installations and government approvals all over India.
Loom Solar has a strong online as well as retail store presence in India. This is a winning combination for a developing country like India where the customer presence is both online and physical. Not only does the company sell solar products online, but also gets it delivered to almost all the pin codes in India within three days.
The company also offers attractive discounts to its customers and has the vision to help customers make more informed decisions regarding buying solar systems.
Energy Generation
- They are meant to generate power for Night-time and Day-time energy needs
- They should cover your 24 hrs. energy consumption.
These systems store energy in battery banks
- Battery bank sizing is very important!
What is Power?
घर के लिये सोलर सिस्टम - Solar System for Home
बता दें कि आज के समय में घरों में अपनी बिजली की जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए 4 प्रकार के Solar System का उपयोग किया जाता है, जो On Grid Solar System, Off Grid Solar System, Hybrid Solar System और Small Solar System हैं।
बता दें कि यदि आप महाराष्ट्र, हरियाणा, गुजरात या दिल्ली जैसे किसी ऐसे राज्य में रहते हैं, जहाँ बिजली कटौती की समस्या ज्यादा नहीं है, तो ऐसी स्थिति में आपके लिए On Grid Solar System सबसे बढ़िया है।
वहीं, यदि आप किसी ऐसे इलाके में रहते हैं, जहाँ Frequent Power Cut की समस्या रहती है यानी 24 घंटे में सिर्फ 5 से 6 घंटे ही बिजली रहती है, तो ऐसे में आपके लिए Off Grid Solar System सबसे अच्छा है।
इसके अलावा, यदि आपके यहाँ Frequent Power Cut की समस्या 2 से 6 घंटे के बीच रहती है, जैसे कि Tier 3 Cities में, तो ऐसे में आप अपने घर में बिजली की जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए Hybrid Solar System को लगा सकते हैं। वहीं, यदि आपके पास न बिजली है और न ही ज्यादा बजट, तो ऐसी स्थिति में आपके के लिए Small Solar System सबसे अच्छा है, जैसे कि कोई दुकान।
बता दें कि आज के समय में बाजार में 500 वाट और 1 किलोवाट के सोलर सिस्टम की माँग सबसे ज्यादा है। इसे लगाने में आपको 35 हजार से लेकर 1.15 लाख रुपये तक का खर्च होता है।