Solar Battery
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The growing scarcity of resources isn’t hidden from anyone. Therefore, to tackle this issue, several ways were and are still being brought up. One such way was the use of solar energy for the generation of electricity. But, it can be done using a few pieces of equipment like solar panels, batteries, inverters, and charge controllers that as a whole are called a solar system. Where a solar panel is the basic requirement in a solar system, a battery acts as another. A battery stores energy and that’s what makes it this important.
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What is a Solar Battery?
Solar batteries are C10 rating deep cycle batteries designed for connecting with solar charge controllers, and inverters for giving power backup at night. It is designed to be charged from Solar panels in the day from sunlight. The main component of the battery is the lead inside it. Higher lead ensures better battery performance and quality. Lead-acid batteries are not sealed and Maintenance-free hence they require water top-up once in 3-6 months.
How much does the solar battery cost?
Solar battery price depends upon Battery AH and Warranty, The price ranges from ₹4050 to ₹18500. The Tubular Technology batteries with 5 years of replacement warranty will be the costliest as tubular battery indicates the latest technology with higher energy efficiency in batteries. The other important factor which impacts the price of batteries in India are
- Brand Name
- Replacement warranty offered on batteries
- The capacity of the Battery measured in Ampere hours (AH)
a. Under ₹ 1,000
One may get a solar battery under Rs 1,000, but as already mentioned above the price of a solar battery depends on its capacity along with other aspects. So, solar batteries under Rs 1,000 may not have a huge capacity, but here are a few of the brands that provide you with solar batteries under Rs 1,000:
b. From ₹ 1,000 to ₹ 5,000
Here are a few of the best brands that provide you with solar batteries between Rs 1,000 and Rs 5,000:
c. From ₹ 5,000 to ₹ 10,000
The best brands whose solar batteries between Rs 5,000 and Rs 10,000 exist in the market are:
d. From ₹ 10,000 to ₹ 20,000
The following are the best companies that offer solar batteries between Rs 10,000 and Rs 20,000:
e. Above ₹ 20,000
The following are the best brands for solar batteries above Rs 20,000:
How to make a battery?
From smartphones to electric cars to home energy storage devices, rechargeable batteries power our modern lives. But have you ever stopped to wonder what's inside these devices that allow us to send emojis, drive around town and so much more? If so, check out the Advanced Battery Facility. So how do all these parts get assembled? Here are the seven most important steps in the process:
What is the Price of Solar Batteries in India, in 2024?
The solar battery market in India is fragmented, 60% of batteries are manufactured by local manufacturers, and the rest 40% market is captured by brands such as Exide, Luminous, Okaya, and Amaron. Here is the average price list of solar batteries taken from different cities across India.
Solar Battery Model |
Average Selling Price |
100 Ah Tubular solar battery, 5 years warranty |
₹ 13,500 |
120 Ah Tubular solar battery, 5 years warranty |
₹ 15,000 |
150 Ah Tubular solar battery, 5 years warranty |
₹ 18,500 |
200 Ah Tubular solar battery, 3 years warranty |
₹ 20,500 |
100 Ah, 48 V Lithium Battery, 3 years warranty | ₹ 1,50,000 |
What are various types of solar batteries?
There are two types of batteries:
a) Flat Plate Battery
b) Tubular battery
There is not much difference in these technology-type batteries except for warranty and life. The height of the battery determines the technology type, Tubular means tall battery and flat plate means short height battery.
What are the various types of 12V solar batteries in India?
All the appliances that are rated 12V, can be run using a 12V solar battery. Talking about a lead-acid battery can be done by connecting them in series. Whereas, a lithium-ion battery is mostly between 6Ah and 40Ah of 12V and can be used to run the 12V rated appliances. Almost all of the batteries available in the market are 12V. but, lithium-ion batteries come in a variety and depend on the requirement of the user which in turn is dependent on the configuration of the inverter and the charge controller in use or to be used.
1. 20Ah Solar Battery
These types of solar batteries can be used by small stall owners needing 3-4 hours of backup for mostly just a light in the street stalls/vendors. So basically, they aren’t for heavy usage either.
2. 40Ah Solar Battery
These 40Ah solar batteries mostly come in use in case of any jumpstart activity, like, the ignition of a car, motorbike, scooter, etc. with more voltage for the initial working of the appliance. These batteries are also appropriate for the ones that plan on using switching from a home-lighting system to a solar inverter and battery, and for not much usage. Budget-wise, they are available for around Rs 7000 or Rs 8,000, and on can be used for small homes or shops.
3. 150Ah Solar Battery
The 150Ah batteries available in the market are lead-acid batteries. But, in the case of lithium-ion batteries, research and development are still being made, as they aren’t still really available in the market for any commercial use. If one needs to calculate the capacity of a battery, a multiplication of the voltage and the rating has to be done. For instance, 1 150Ah lead-acid battery provides 1.8 units of storage. But, the storage can be done only between 70-80%. Whereas, if taken as an example of a 3BHK house, a lithium-ion battery, is done according to the per day outcome.
4. 200Ah Solar Battery
A 200Ah solar battery has a higher capacity and requires a little more space than the earlier-mentioned ones. But, for instance, if one uses 8 150Ah battery for a particular energy supply to run a system, they would take more space. Whereas, only 5 200Ah batteries together would provide more energy with lesser space requirement. Generally, people with large setups use 200Ah solar batteries, for example, farmhouses or more usage of power and/or for places with much power cuts.
How to Choose Solar Battery?
People earlier used to use only lead-acid batteries. But with time, things have changed. In fact, energy generation using solar energy wasn’t very much in trend as well. Initially, lead-acid battery was used in solar system. But now, lithium-ion batteries are being intensively used not only in solar systems, but also for general use. A lithium-ion battery’s features make it the best solar battery as well as the best battery in general. Why? Why is a lithium-ion battery considered the best solar battery? If you are planning to buy solar battery online and you do not have any idea how to choose a battery for your home. You should consider this before buying any battery
1) Battery Capacity measured in Ah (Ampere-hour)
2) Battery warranty
3) Price, depends on Battery Ah and warranty.
Battery Backup Time
The backup time of the battery depends upon Battery AH (Ampere hour). Higher the AH, higher will be backup time. Usually, a 150 Ah battery gives around 3 hours of backup on 400 watt Power consumption.
In India, 150 Ah is the bestselling rating as it can last up to 3-4 hours if you use Led light, few ceiling fans, Led Television, mobile and Laptop charging. For higher duration backup, one can go for the higher Ah battery.
Solar Battery Warranty
Battery warranty has two aspects a) Replacement warranty and b) Pro-rata warranty. If your battery fails in replacement warranty, Brand will replace it with a new battery and during pro-rata warranty period, a new battery is offered at a discounted price, which is, also known as a buyback offer.
Solar Battery FAQs
1. What is the life of solar battery?
Ans: The life of a solar battery is 3 years to 5 years whereas normal battery's life is 2 years to 3 years.
सोलर बैटरी की कीमत - Solar Battery Price
यदि आपके घर में ऑफ ग्रिड सोलर सिस्टम (Off Grid Solar System) है, तो इसे चलाने के लिए आपको एक बैटरी भी लेनी होगा। बता दें कि आज के समय में बाजार में Normal Battery, Solar Battery और Lithium Ion Battery, जैसे तीन प्रकार के बैटरी मिलते हैं।यदि आपको अपने Normal Lead Acid बैटरी को चार्ज करने में 20 घंटे का समय लग रहा है, तो आपको अपने Solar Battery को चार्ज करने में केवल 10 घंटे का ही समय लगेगा।
वहीं, यदि इसकी क्षमता की बात की जाए, तो यदि आपके यहाँ Power Cut की समस्या नहीं है, तो ऐसी स्थिति में आपको 150 Ah की बैटरी और यदि Power Cut की समस्या अधिक है, तो ऐसे में आपको 200 Ah की बैटरी लेनी होगी। बता दें कि यदि आप 150 एएच की बैटरी खरीद रहे हैं, तो इसकी कीमत इस बात पर निर्भर करती है कि इसकी वारंटी कितनी है और यह किस ब्रांड का है। जैसे यदि वारंटी 3 साल की है, तो इसकी कीमत 15 हजार होगी और यदि 5 साल की है, तो इसके लिए आपको करीब 18 हजार रुपये खर्च करने होंगे।