Chennai, Tamil Nadu: Chennai, on the Bay of Bengal in eastern India, is the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu. Religious sites include Kapaleeshwarar Temple, adorned with carved and painted gods, and St. Mary’s, a 17th-century Anglican church.
There Local resident adopts Off-Grid Solar Power with Loom Solar's Monocrystalline solar Module which is one of the resisdential installations in the region. The 1 kw solar panels are all set assure that the electricity produces shall save 84 trees over its lifetime & reduce carbon footprint by 49.8 Tons .
The acceptance of Loom Solar's Monocrystalline solar Module has been the testimony to the fact that these modules are sturdy, easy to install, and quick at plug & play mode. This Off-Grid Solar Power installed at the house shall generate 66000 units of electricity in its lifetime.
This Monocrystalline solar Module has been installed by our Distributor - Mr. Balakrishnan. He is the owner of Shiva Sakthi Agencies in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Best Solar Solution for Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Chennai is Enjoying The Best Solar Energy Solutions with us!